Sunday, April 13, 2008

A new chapter unfolds

Just finished a bleach marathon lol. season 1 to kinda mid-way. anyways, not alot has changed in a couple of months. I'm down with the Flu, :( what's worst is that my acedemic year begins this coming monday. OH yeah, orientation was fun....well not really, more like lame, but then again, isn't orientations supposed to be lame? lol. I like my class, it's looney. there are 3 daniels and 2 melvins. lol. would seriously be a challenge to figure out a way to identify who is who. lol.

Planning to get myself an external hard disk, like my lecturer recommended and trade in my old ibm for a Eee PC. Yup, an Eee PC. lol. The main laptop i have is about 3.4kg... gasps. lol. It's a media laptop, err, Acer 5920G (, yep gemstone. It's way to heavy to lug to school every day, so, i'll only use it for projects, the eee pc will be my friend for other days.

anyways, Orientation was kinda cool...yeah kinda. we played looney games, oh yeah, we had a damn funny CC (course coordinator). She's hilarious. most of the guys are cool. Oh yeah, i met that guy, netto, he's cool too. Anywho, things will get interesting the upcoming week, so stay tune :D.