Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ah.. So life goes on..

lol, i just realised i start most of my posts with "Ah" or any other types of Ah.. lmao. Anyways that's beside the point. So, work, and results. Oh results. I got actually 20 points for L1R4. Gasps. Yea i know, i tell people i get 17. My L1R5 is actually 26. Gasps Even more!. Yea i know. lol. 17 is minus CCA points, so it's a more or less Save face sort of thing. I dunno. I kinda feel sucky cos my inner most circle of friends have an L1R5 range of 9-16. So i'm like....Shit. I got no A1's nor A2s, my best is B3s and i have two of them. Comb Science and humans. Lol. Oh and i finally passed my malay. AHAHAHAHAHA. The one subject that i doubt i'll pass i actually did with a C6. lol. My Ex-Malay teacher was estatic when i told her. haha.

But the pass rate of sec 5 is not very high and most of my school friends and teachers tell me that my points are good enough. But to me, that's shit. but fact is that a majority of n2 and n3 get more than 26+ points, which screws up chances for even republic poly. My principal was kinda unhappy, but yea, what to do?

At work is funny, I brought up the idea of working during my stint in poly to pay for a part-time course during NS, to my boss, celine and she asks me to read a couple of books and learn from them. Then tell her what the books are about on monday then what i have learnt from them.

So far i've been reading one of them and the first 4 chapters has been ranting about how the strategies and the system works. But that's kinda pointless. lol. I prefer if the book just jumped into how it's done and stuff. lol. But perhaps i'm just impatient.

I dunno, people are thinking about what's next, JC or poly, or what they get for posting, I seem to be wondering beyond that, beyond NS and eventually University. Yep, the big U. Then maybe learn the ropes from a gaming company and then build my dream, which i have a very solid determination and aim for, A gaming company that goes down in history to produce the best games.

I have a story to share actually. It's something i never really thought about untill yesterday when i told my boss about it. MY parent's business history and how they made it big. The business is a family enterprise. Yerp, my mum is the managing directory, dad is the chairman and the director for the malaysian branch, sister is the finance manager, brother-in-law is the regional manager. So i can see why my parents wants me to play some sort of role in this. But that's not what i want to do in life. not my kind of stuff.

According to my mum, how they made it big started of with my dad's position when he was working for citibank or something like that. And that was like 40-50 years ago. Most of the workers there are...how do i say... hmm.. a more politically correct word is Caucasian, and as they were 40 years ago, stuck up. Whenever my dad managed to close a deal, they would be unhappy. And whenever they closed a deal they would show off to my dad. My dad at that time met my mum, and she was doing retail. So, my dad left the bank and set up his own company. my mum subsequently left and joined him. So at first they ran into problems. She and my dad had an idea, at that time there was this new technology called Projectors and transparencies. She and my dad capitalised on it and learnt how to operate the machines. With that, she sold to school around singapore and teaching the teachers how to use it. She then had partners like steadler and somfy. Eventually they went into bigger things with their capital and started making screens with R&D. If yer interested in the business, visit http://www.lavscreen.com/.

If you had noticed, they then released screens with my name and my sisters names as the model name. So yea, someways i had a part to play in it all. Oh heres a little secret, if you had known the company from 1970+ then you probably saw a poster baby for the company. that was me. haha. my parents have that photo framed up in their bed room still. lol.

So, that's a little success story from my mum's company. But like any other companies, there are problems, and if there are no problems there are no lessons. So there are some stuff i have learnt from these problems which are usefull in my future endeauvers. Interestingly enough, some people learnt things like these when their ventures fail but i'm having these lessons before i even have any sort of ventures. for now, work time! haha.