Thursday, February 21, 2008

Fresh Fruits!

Hey again, well my spirits are up and better. a couple of interesting things has happened so far and i think i'll try to sum it up.

Firstly, i'm heading off to Nanyang Technological University....



Wahaha, nah i'm heading to Nanyang Polytechnic studying a course under the name Digital Entertainment Technology. Well for you guys who dunno what that means, it's also known as Game Development &/Or Animation. So yeh. At first i was like... i don't really care, which poly i ended up in, I've been through neighbourhood schools, so no matter how many ah bengs and ah lians or mat gangsta, I can still survive.

Lol. I did abit of background search on opinions and found out oh hold and behold that the poly i'm in has both lols. But i'm not worried, i'm great with both types of people, as long as they aren't those "I want to own you sort of people". Besides, with the mats i can play my malay card as well. Hey it's one upside for being a malay. heh.

Oh also an interesting note, i have a friend in my old eAthena days who turns out to be going to the same course/school as i am.. how cool is that? I have never met him before so heh. Anyways, turns out Nanyang is well known for media and IT, so it'll probably cool i guess. Never have been to the open house before so i dunno... Heared the campus is nice... And i just came across someone's blog that the course has alots of Maths(Especially Add Math) and Physics. My response? Somehow i'm not surprised. Kinda what i was expecting. Always have excepted that my line of work lies in the technicality of the world. Both i'm not that excellent at, but i think i can get by.

Well, in other news, i've stop working, yerp today's my last day and i'm preety much free to do whatever i want to do till school year begins in april. Probably exercise and lose the pounds i put on during my working months. lol. Feels funny to now contribute to the jobless demography of Singapore haha.

Oh yeah an interesting thing happened last tuesday. I was walking back from work see, i was at the escalator at the MRT station and i found 2 $2 notes on the floor. The first thing i did was ask the guy infront of me, whom was rummaging through his wallet if he dropped it. For some odd reason he said nope and didn't want it. Suddenly, for no reason whatsoever, i gave the 4$ to the old women selling tissue paper outside the station. On a normal occasion i would probably keep it, but something pulled me to do it. So...dunno lah.

Eh, polys have no more consessions and i'm feeling the pinch every time i travel. $1.40 every time i go up to toa payoh and another 1.40 when i go down. Damn painful to burn the hole in the pocket.

Well, with so much free time what am i going to do with it? Lol. give you a preview, this sat i have an airshow to go to and also a Singapore Game Industry Seminar to attend. lol. My mum for some odd mad reason wants me to go to some microsoft server launch. trying to squeeze myself out of doing that. Looks like finishing work early infact gives me mad timetables. lol.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Take it all in...

Okay, my life is kinda screwed atm. Sigh. Chinese new year is coming and it won't be a happy one for me. My mum and dad had a short fight. With the end result of my dad not wanting to go for the family reunion at malaysia. So no malaysia for me. Well unless some good news came up. IF there is a better time to reflect on life this is it.

That put aside, today at work i had a little talk again with my boss. To put it simply, i grew another 5 years older in less than an hour. Well, basically if you didn't know me that well yet, i had been the leader of an open source emulator project, a fairly big one that was getting hits like 100, 000 to 300 000 a day, for about half a year and experience from that made me grow older by 20 years. but that is a recount for another time. (for further reading: About Me Entry From Eathena's Wikipedia )

So, well, yeah, i got a bit of reality slapping from my boss. Simply stated, I was not detailed in my job and that I had not noticed this during the probation period my boss gave me, needs to crush that idea that i can give people how to improve, That and i am fickle minded, I let my emotions get the better of me and it affect how i work, thus opening it as an opportunity for people to use it against me. Well that seemed to be a lot of slaps in just 40 mins. Well yes it is. Thankfully i still have my job and i walk away just with minor stiches. Interestingly i didn't feel that i got punched in the face repeatedly. At moments it felt that the temperature in the room rose 200 degrees, then moments later when i took a deep breath and let it all in, the temperature fell faster than it rose.

I expected i would still be reeling when i type this, but surprisingly im not. Now is the time to do some soul searching and to fix all these weaknesses.

I think i'll end off with a short happy saying to brighten the mood since i still technically am feeling like crap from all these happening on the same day,
"Life is a journey which we will not see the end."-Hariz.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Sorry.. Layout got screwed

Sorry, i decided to play with new templates and my layout got screwed. Actually wel it was because my previous layout was no good with my 22" monitor, so i decided to change. For now this plain one will do alrighty? heh.